For the Love of a Handwritten Note
We admire handwritten notes and hand-addressed envelopes on holiday cards and invitations. To us, it feels like you're adding a bit of yourself into your communication and events. And in this digital age, we know your recipient appreciates it. There's just nothing like that personal touch. Some may say it's old-fashioned. But we think those social graces never go out of style. A handwritten note on paper is here to stay. Put it on fine paper and we'd stretch to say that's modern luxury.

Check out how witty manners expert, Derek Blasberg refers to notes in this excerpt of Classy: Exceptional Advice for the Extremely Modern Lady…"the classiest form of communication and the best way to show your gratitude." And in an article featuring our work, our friends at Neiman Marcus wrote, "The important things – family and friends, momentous events, and even the seemingly mundane details that make up our lives – deserve to be remembered on paper." We 100% agree with both. Long live paper.